Educating girls on their body and infradian health
Due to the way our society was structured in the previous centuries and women’s place in it, medicine, biology, pharmacology and similar disciplines, were evolving based on research mainly on male bodies.
This led to generations of women feeling doomed to endure the pain and all other ‘curses’ that came with having a female body and massively weightening the healthcare system. In recent years this has started to change but a very important step that must be taken, is to educate girls about their bodies, at a young age, because this knowledge will give them power over their health and change from the root.
Our coaching Womanhood, all you need to know, is designed to educate teen girls about the female hormonal cycle and how to navigate through it. This knowledge will significantly help them, first of all break the stigma around menstruation, PMS and the negatively perceived ‘feminine traits’ and secondly learn to love their body, accept it and make the best of their unique strengths around their cycle.
*We highly recommend offering this coaching for female and male students together, since to change as a whole it is important that both genders understand and respect each other’s unique function
Who is this coaching for?
This coaching is designed for teenagers, 11-19 years old
If you would like to offer this coaching to your students, fill the form below