Our Group Coachings

are given as seminars, workshops or presentations, online or on-site.

Their goal is to empower participants on health topics by giving the latest scientifically proven facts, cultivating understanding and critical thinking around health and also sharing useful tools and practices that one can use to get to know themselves better and build a healthier life.

You can check our facebook page for the events calendar or alternatively you can find them on our instagram highlights.


Part of our Group Coachings, are also these niche educative presantations that on one side are meant to educate teens and equip them with the knowledge they will need to live healthy lifes and on the other side to empower adults to reclaim their health.

Find out more information about each one below,

Holistic Cycle syncing for Corporate Productivity

all you need to know

Holistic Approach
to Health

Complete Holistic Health Coaching