Heal Holistically | Build wellness in your life

Our session have two main directions, the preventive and the supportive

Preventive Direction

-As research data show and as the WHO (World Health Organisation) has said, 60% of diseases and 90% of cancers are caused by lifestyle and environmental factors. This therefore means that it is vitally important to adopt healthy habits and lifestyles as a means of preventing disease and in order to lead a quality life characterised by well-being.

Our 1:1 sessions of preventive direction therefore have the following objectives:

  • Adopting a healthy lifestyle
  • Establishing long-term wellness
  • Cultivating a healthy relationship with body and mind
  • Empowerment in managing health problems
  • Balance in all areas of life

This is for you if:

  • You like to be actively involved in your health and not just blindly follow advice
  • You want to get to know your body and its functions in depth
  • You have made a decision to change your life, step by step, for the better!
Supportive Direction

Our 1:1 session with supportive direction are suitable for people that are currently facing a health struggle and/or have a diagnosis, in order to support them holistically in their healing.

-One fact that is often overlooked is the interconnectedness of all body systems. One of the prime examples is the fact that our gut bacteria produce 90% of our serotonin (the hormone of joy) and it is also where 80% of our immune cells are located. These and other similar data show us that for example a mental health diagnosis, a diagnosis of autoimmunity, a hormonal disorder, must be treated holistically taking into account the diet, exercise, emotional state and general lifestyle of the person so that it can be treated from the root.

The objectives of the sessions are the following:

  • Adopting a healthy lifestyle
  • Establishing long-term wellness
  • Cultivating a healthy relationship with body and mind
  • Empowerment in managing health problems
  • Balance in all areas of life


  • Bowel/microbiome healing
  • Learning emotional management tools
  • Tips for detoxification/reduction of inflammation
  • Hormone balancing advice

Aimed at you if: 

  • You are dealing with mental health symptoms with diagnoses such as burnout, cPTSD, etc.
  • You are dealing with psychosomatic or autoimmune symptoms with diagnoses such as IBS, thyroid disorders, etc.
  • You are dealing with unpleasant symptoms during certain phases of your cycle or have a diagnosis such as PCOS, PMDD etc. (for women)

*Sessions are not a substitute for medical diagnosis and care. They are strictly complementary support for for an integrated care.

Who will be my consultant?

Evanthia Kaitanoglou is a general nurse and medical laboratory technitian with additional training in holistic health, naturopathy, psuchology, clinical dietetics as well as womens and gut health and healthcare data analysis.

My aprroach is based on active listening and individualised approach to each person and their health, in order to build the necessary self-confidence, critical thinking and discipline to create the life they desire’

‘Through my personal health struggles and the inefficient managment of them with the conventional approaches, i was led to the research and trainings in Holistic health. Through this i managed to help myself and due to my primary degree in Nursing my goal is to share all this knowledge(which should be basic knowledge taught in schools) as a form of primary healthcare with everyone that is eager to better their lives and take their health in their hands.’


*After each session you are given resources that you can further study to gain control of your health,

plus the scientific base and research of everything that we went through.