"Discover True Balance, Embrace Holistic Health"

Guiding you on a journey to holistic wellbeing that harmonizes body, mind, and soul.

“Our Purpose: Empowering Your Health Journey”

So what is  holistic health?

And why should you bother looking into it?

Holistic Health  is about treating the body, mind, and soul as one interconnected system. Instead of just addressing symptoms, it focuses on finding balance and harmony across all aspects of your life—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Additionally you get to know your body deeply, understand it, learn to listen to it so you can live harmoniously.

So why should you bother with holistic health? Because true wellness comes when you understand and support your body as a whole, not in parts, when you get to know it deeply and live in harmony with it. Working on your health holistically, means you’re investing in your long-term health and well-being, not just temporarily feeling better, but in a lasting, natural way.

Our Services

Fueled by our purpose of bettering people’s life experience

Our 1:1 Coaching sessions are designed to help you heal deeply and thrive. They are a safe space where you express all your needs and we create a tailored wellness approach for you.

Our Group coachings are designed to make a big impact in a short time and leave all participants with an enriched point of view and tools to create their ideal health and wellness.

Our Personalised Case study service, is a pioneer approach that lets you be the object of your own study and have your unique health carefully researched by our medical proffessionals.


Your most frequently asked questions, answered

Iliaktis offers general 1:1 coaching sessions designed to address your unique health needs. Additionally we have some more specialised ones. These include:

  • Menstrual Cycle Holistic Health – support for hormone balancing, cycle syncing, and managing PMS.
  • Gut Health Coaching – strategies to support digestion, immunity, weight managment and overall wellness through gut health.
  • CPTSD Holistic Healing – compassionate guidance for managing trauma and building resilience. Each session is tailored to empower you with tools for long-term well-being.

Find out more about each one on our Services section.

Our Group Coaching sessions are designed to create a supportive community space for shared learning and growth.

Led by expert coaches, sessions focus on various topics, such as cycle syncing for productivity and immersive health retreats.

Each program provides actionable steps, resources, and interactive discussions, empowering participants to pursue their health goals. 

To book a Group Coaching fill the form in the equivalent session.


Yes! After completing your 1:1 sessions, you’ll have continued access to valuable resources shared during your coaching.

These materials are yours to keep, ensuring you have the support needed to continue your journey.

Getting started with Iliaktis is simple. Just reach out through our website’s contact form.

Our team will guide you through the steps and match you with the right program or coaching service to begin your journey to holistic wellness.

Iliaktis services are intended for anyone who feels off in any way, and is seeking a holistic approach to health and well-being, regardless of age, background, or health status.

Whether you’re managing specific symptoms, seeking to understand your body better, or simply aiming to live a balanced life, Iliaktis is here to support you on your journey.


The Iliaktis Coaching App combines expert insights from fields like nutrition, herbalism, psychology, and many other healing/wellness professions, all in one accessible platform.

Backed by trusted professionals, our app is designed to provide safe, science-based guidance personalized to your unique needs.

Your well-being is our top priority, and our app empowers you with holistic tools for sustainable health.


We understand that plans can change.

Detailed terms can be found in our cancellation policy on our website, designed to offer flexibility while respecting our coaches’ time.


Absolutely! Iliaktis embraces a holistic approach to health and well-being that is welcoming and inclusive to everyone. Our practices and resources are science based and include a self derrived spirituality that does not interfere with one’s religious beliefs.

Your privacy is important to us. Iliaktis adheres to strict data protection protocols to ensure your information is safe and secure. We collect only what is necessary to personalize your experience and improve our services, and your data will never be shared without your consent. You can review our complete data policy on our website.

Being subscribed to Iliaktis newsletter, you will receive weekly health insights, like new research breakthroughs, wellness tips and the latest insights about our services.

You can unsubscribe anytime

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